
To presidents of all organizations around the world.

 Dear employees of all companies around the world.

 The most urgent matter

 The president of the company should fire the employee who was the hacker who hacked my phone from work for the safety of the organization.

 After I and my mother filed a lawsuit against a Thai male hacker aged 20-50 years for violating my mother's and my personal rights, the Computer Crimes Act, as well as filing civil and criminal cases, were filed for the safety of your organization. Therefore, we have taken steps to remove the employee who is a hacker from being an employee of your company and have attached details about the complaint for you to read.

 With great respect

 The most urgent matter is to request additional legal action against the hackers.

 Continuing from last Wednesday during the time

 10.30-11.30 A hacker, a Thai male with light skin, about 20-50 years old, came to hack mobile data into a famous application (Shopee), while my mother was shopping. That hacker then put a check mark in the box for the product name and did it not just once, but 3 times. This was my mother's information in Shopee. When my mother found out about the hacking, she A report has been made that the police will prosecute to the fullest extent. It is divided into 2 cases because of 2 people. The charges against the hackers are as follows.


 1Violation of personal rights

 2Computer Act

 3 civil cases

 4 criminal cases


 1Violation of personal rights

 2Computer Act

 3 civil cases

 4 criminal cases

 And my mother told me to hack someone and not hack a police officer's wife.

 Receive an apology in cash

 And pay my mother a lot. My mother has a master's degree. If you don't have that much money, you can go to prison for the rest of your life or have your entire family of hackers executed.

 With great respect


